Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has made a phenomenal breakthrough, advancing in the QS global ranking to 165 place. Thus, the leading Kazakhstani University has successfully completed the task set by Elbasy N.A.Nazarbayev, as well as laid down in the State Program on Development of Education and Science of the RK, on entering by 2020 at least two Kazakhstani Universities in the top 200 best HEIs of the world. KazNU has confirmed its compliance with the high level in the world’s scientific and educational space.
The most well-known and authoritative internationally recognized rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) has published new research results on the world’s higher education institutions. As emphasized in the analytical report of QS, this year Al-Farabi KazNU, rising up to 42 positions, took 165th place in the global ranking and «became the first Kazakhstani University, which made the breakthrough to the top 200 best HEIs in the world». In the post-Soviet space, only two universities have been included in this group — Lomonosov Moscow State University and KazNU.
Demonstrating unprecedented rapid dynamics in the history of higher education of the world, the University has advanced almost by 500 positions in 9 years. Such progress achieved in a short period of time in the world ranking has attracted the attention of foreign experts, who call this unique breakthrough an «Al-Farabi KazNU’’s phenomenon». In the international academic environment, it is actively discussed as the most striking example of the dynamic development of the University, many representatives of foreign HEIs have been adopting KazNU’s positive experience.
Behind the high position in the world ranking is the huge work of the University staff headed by the Rector, academician Galym Mutanov to improve the global competitiveness of KazNU. Based on the cluster approach, a comprehensive structural modernization was carried out, and a result-oriented management system was introduced, which facilitated its transition to a fundamentally new quality of education and science. In cooperation with leading foreign universities, double diploma programs and educational programs are being implemented in English, thanks to which the largest number of foreign students in Kazakhstan are studying at KazNU. Their number has increased by 15 times last year alone.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was the first among the universities of Central Asia to join the UN Academic Impact (UNAI) program and become the UNAI Global Center for Sustainable Development, aimed at supporting 10 internationally recognized UN principles. In collaboration with the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan, KazNU named after Al-Farabi joined the UN Global Model movement and created his leading program under the leadership of the UN Model New Silk Road students. In May 2018, KazNU named after Al-Farabi launched the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development to coordinate all the teaching and research activities of researchers and educators in the field of sustainable development and the green economy.
Microsoft Company has recognized KazNU’s digital development model as one of its best practices. The University has opened scientific and educational centres of world-known high-tech corporations, and created a scientific and technological corridor «from idea generation towards commercialization». Its effective use allowed KazNU to increase the volume of scientific projects more than 2.5 times within five years. Every fifth publication of Kazakhstani authors in international-ranking scientific journals belongs to KazNU’s scientists. During the same period, the University infrastructure has grown almost by 50 per cent.
As the Global Hub of the United Nations Academic Impact Program on Sustainable Development, KazNU has developed and implemented a model of new generation HEI — «University 4.0», which was presented at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and has been recommended for wide international dissemination. KazNU has established Al-Farabi centres in 12 foreign countries.
The leading positions of Kazakh National University in the world educational and scientific space have been also confirmed by other international rating agencies. Thus, KazNU is among the top 200 most environmentally friendly and top 50 technologically advanced HEIs in the world. Having received a high estimation «AA+» from the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber, the Kazakhstani university is in the same row as the leading universities in Europe. All these achievements contributed to the recognition of KazNU as the best HEI of the Turkic and Islamic world.
The Massachusetts University of Technology is ranked first in the QS ranking, and Stanford and Harvard Universities respectively (all are the US HEIs) took the second and third places. The top ten world universities are almost entirely composed of American and British institutions of higher education.
University Mission and Vision
The mission of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is to build human resources – competitive and sought-after specialists in the national and international labour markets, to achieve a qualitatively new University effect in the formation of citizens of the country and the world, and to Mi SSi on contribute to the sustainable development of society through the transfer and increase of knowledge and Vision
The university’s goal is to be a locomotive of progressive economic, social and cultural transformations in society, to cultivate human resources for domestic and Eurasian labour markets in accordance with their needs and prospects for the development of the country and the region; to promote the introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres of the country’s life through the commercialization of the results of scientific research by university scientists; provide education of the nation, its intellectual, cultural, and moral potential.
The goal is to become one of the TOP-200 leading research universities in the world and become a locomotive of progressive economic, social and cultural transformations in society.
The University operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007, “On Science” dated February 18, 2011, and “On Commercialization of Scientific and/or Scientific and Technical Activities” dated October 31, 2015, and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating educational and scientific activities, as well, as the Charter of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
– Transformation of the national classical university into a world-class research
-The integration of education, science and innovation;
-the formation of the University model 4.0;
– ensuring high-quality education for the continued success of students and the formation of a competitive base of educational programs.
– training of graduates with high personal and professional qualities that meet the requirements of the labour market.
International Rankings:
QS WUR Global – 165th place
– Modern languages 51-100;
– Linguistics 201-250;
– English language and literature 251-300 Social Sciences and Management – 351=:
– Economics and Econometrics 451-500; -Law and Legal Studies 251-300;
– Mathematics -351-400;
– Physics and Astronomy – 551-600
Physical Science 801+
Engineering and Technology 601-800
Webometrics-2271th place
Selected in the Top 8 of 250 applications across Asia in the nomination for Best Leadership and Management Team. (Outstanding Leadership and Management Team)
Teaching staff, student information (the number of foreign and local students)
KazNU includes 16 faculties, 67 departments, 32 research institutes, Farabi centres and a technology park. The university employs more than 3 thousand professors, candidates in sciences and doctors of philosophy, and more than 100 scientists from well-known academies. More than 29 thousand students and undergraduates study at the university according to a multi-level system of higher professional education.
About 2,000 foreign students from 50 countries study at the university. The university implements more than 100 double-degree programs with the best universities in the world.
The international activity of KazNU is aimed at integration into the global educational and scientific community. This work is carried out in the framework of cooperation programs with leading foreign universities, the development of academic mobility of scientists, teachers and students, and the implementation of international educational programs and projects, the implementation of joint research activities, the organization of scientific and practical seminars and conferences.
MDP Global Classroom, Columbia University Earth Institute, USA
Mevlana Exchange Programme, Turkey
Orhun Exchange Programme, Turkey
Erasmus+, European Comission
POSCO Scholarship, Korea
Korean Foundation Scholarship, Korea
Japan Foundation Scholarship, Japan
JASSO Scholarship, Japan
One Asia Foundation Scholarship, Japan
Fullbright Scholarship, the US
AL-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY has simplified the admission of foreign applicants for bachelor, master and PhD programs.
Applicants are admitted all year-round, and admission is carried out 2 times ayear 5 days before the start of the semester.;
Due to the online system, the time for submitting and receiving documents is significantly reduced, there are no administrative barriers to their registration, there is no need to arrive, which significantly saves money. Another great advantage of the online document acceptance system allows foreign applicants to apply directly to the University, regardless of their location. Being in any country of the world, an applicant can apply for an online interview. The entire process of accepting documents is automated and is carried out in a specially developed application, which is currently available inthreelanguages-Kazakh, Russian and English.
After submitting documents and successful registration, applicants from countries near and far abroad receive confirmation and can be enrolled to the university remotely.
Today, KazNU educates young people – patriots of their country, who tomorrow will determine the future of Kazakhstan. The principle of social partnership is actively implemented in KazNU and determines the self-regulatory nature of the relationship between team members. Based on this principle, students, along with teachers and the university
administration, act as equal partners, participating in all university processes and sharing responsibility forachieving common goals.
implemented in KazNU and determines the self-regulatory nature of the relationship between team members. Based on this principle, students, along with teachers and the university
administration, act as equal partners, participating in all university processes and sharing responsibility forachieving common goals.
The public association “Student Union” Sunkar” is a voluntary, independent,
independent, fixed and individual member of a public non-governmental organization created
on the basis of free will and professional interests of citizens to exercise their rights and 5 legitimate interests: timely payment, as stipulated by the law on scholarships and grants,
creation healthy and safe learning environment for work, creating conditions
for creative and productive work and learning, creating opportunities for healthy Anen, treatment and rest, improvement of living conditions, employment policy.
The Senate of KazNU is an organization uniting advanced, creative, patriotic young people and innovative social projects. The goal of the Student Senate is to represent students’ interests before the university administration, to strengthen and improve the image of the university at the interuniversity, national and international levels, to organize systematic work and events in priority functional areas of society. life, promoting self-realization and development of managerial skills among students, increasing the efficiency of the
educational process at a university, creating an active life and citizenship of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle, organizing systematic work to improve student self-government mechanisms at the faculty and university levels.
The main task of the Higher Council of hostels student is to maintain order and
cleanliness of the hostel, as well as the organization of events (in the field of sports, discussions on various subjects, entertainment evenings), competitions to interest students and make life in the hostel brighter and more eventful. The Higher Student Council makes a significant contribution to the development of spiritual patriotism among students, their formation as a responsible person.
“Komek” is a community of students created on the basis of the university. It organizes volunteer work to assist socially vulnerable groups. In addition to charity, volunteers also organize sports and cultural events, participate in environmental projects.
Scientific student society is a voluntary public organization designed to completely improve the methodological preparation of students, to develop their creative thinking and research skills, as well as to promote the study of the basics of organizing and conducting research. The scientific work of students is carried out in close connection with the educational process, scientific, innovative and inventive work of the university.
Student’s Club “Sanaly Urpak”. The aim of the project is to eradicate corruption in the education system, the formation of an environment of universal rejection of corruption through the education system, patriotic and competitive youth, aimed at living in Kazakhstan without corruption.
The art center of KazNU is a launching pad for the development and improvement of the creative potential of students.The objective of the centre: to attract attention and stimulate students to develop creative cooperation and improve quality of the culture.
KazNU is the leader inthe number of publications in the Q1 and Q2 journals of the quartiles of the Web of Science Core Collection database over the past 5 years among universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Every fifth publication of Kazakhstani authors in highly rated scientific publications is the contribution of scientists of KazNU.
Rector of KazNU Academician G. Mutanov is the owner of the independent award “Author of a scientific monograph of Kazakhstan in the Web of Science Core Collection”, the scientific work was included in the top most requested books published by Springer Nature Publishing House and included in the authoritative international database of Web of Science Core Collection . The scientific journals of the University of International Journal of Biology and Chemistry and the Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal are indexed in the authoritative international databases Web of Science and Scopus.
The Council of Young Scientists of KazNU was recognized as the best SMU of Kazakhstan in 2019 according to the results of the Competition of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy. Each year, 10% of the grant financing of scientific projects is allocated by the university to attract students to perform research on a paid basis, in 2019 this amount amounted to 240 million tenge.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the only national university that independently launched a post-doctoral program at its own expense. Everyyear, KazNU holds a competition to take up postdoctoral positions in relevant areas of the natural-technical and social-humanitarian sciences. Not only Kazakhstani, but also foreign young scientists can apply forthe postdoc position. KazNU established special fellowships for doctoral studies for students from COMSATS member countries
In the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker Al-Farabi Kazakh National University initiated a project to create the “Scientific and Technological Valley of Al-Farabi”, which received full approval from Elbasy N. Nazarbayev and was supported by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, K.-J. Tokaev.
On an area of more than 85 hectares, an IT-technology park will be located with a core in the form of a supercomputer included in the world TOP-500, Innovation and Medical Clusters, collective use centers, Industry 4.0 digital factory, laboratories, pilot plants, design bureaus.
For the first time Kazakhstani Nanosatellites“al-Farabi-1” (2017) and “al-Farabi-2” (2018) are developed and launched into space.
The Center for Remote Sensing of Earth is opened at Al-Farabi KazNU jointly with the Aerospace information Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan.He was awarded the Parasat Order.Born May 9, 1954 in the Alma-Ata region.He graduated in 1981 from the Law Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU.
The President – Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Born on August 17, 1971 in the Karaganda city.He graduated in 1994 from the Law Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU.
Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Candidate of Juridical Sciences. He was awarded the Order of “Kurmet”.Born January 16, 1965 in the Semipalatinsk region. He graduated in 1987 from the Law Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU.
Member of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Honorary Worker of the Judicial System of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The winner of the “Ush bi” badge of honor.Born September 12, 1956 in the Zhambyl region.He graduated in 1983 from the Law Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU.
Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of NAS RK.The author of more than 450 scientific papers. Awarded Gold and Silver Medals American and Cambridge Universities.Born May 5, 1937 in the Kostanay region.He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of al-Farabi KazNU.
Ex-Minister of Religious and Civil Affairs society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The author of more than 50 scientific publications.He was awarded the medal “Eren Enbegi Ushin”.Born July 21, 1978 in the Taldykorgan region.He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of al-Farabi KazNU.
Kubigul Zharikbaev
To train specialists, according to international standards so that they will be able to continue their studies in residency or for doctorate programs.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, twice Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology. The author of more than 100 patents for inventions, more than 400 scientific papers. He was born on January 11, 1956 in the South Kazakhstan region.He graduated in 1976 from the Faculty of Chemistry of al-Farabi KazNU.
Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, party and public official, honorary citizen of Almaty. Born July 22, 1921 in the Almaty city.He graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of al-Farabi KazNU.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Head of the Entrepreneurship, Industrial and Innovative Development Department of the South Kazakhstan Region.He graduated in 2001 from the Faculty of Oriental Studies of al-Farabi KazNU.
Bolat Gabitov-Dzhansugurov
Screenwriter, producer, member of the Union of Cinematographers of Kazakhstan.The author of 24 film works. He was awarded the badge “Excellent Cinematography of the USSR.” Born November 16, 1937.He graduated in 1958 from the geological and geographical faculty of al-Farabi KazNU.
The purpose of the information portal is to automate the activities ofthe university, aimed at providing graduates with jobs.
The project aims to implement a new mechanism for the interaction of educational institutions and the labor market, taking into account the market mechanism of supply and demand:
formation and updating of databases of vacancies and resumes of students and graduates;
formation and updating of databases of employers, vacancies, databases of practices and internships;
implementation of active forms and methods of interaction between employers and students;
interaction with employers in regional labor markets and feedback from university graduates;
interaction of employers with the university;
formation of ratings, statistics and reports on the automation object.
Professors, curators are positive in terms of teaching students in exams, if we have any problems, they always try to help us. | like my place where | live at the university, from my room a beautiful view from the window.
Mastrorocco Adriano, Italy, Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology
KazNU opened for me a new world of opportunities, acquaintances and knowledge. There is a very strong teaching staff! | am surethat these people know their job! And that can learn alot from them. | believe that having finished KazNU, | will geta stable, good future…
Shin Mingyog, Republic of Korea Faculty of International Relations
KazNU is not just a place where we receive an education. The University has its own special atmosphere. Here you can find anything that you need to study, life, work, and creativity for sport. Circles, sections contribute to the creation of this atmosphere. | am very comfortable here. lam glad that | am a student of KazNU!
Irie Itsuki, Japan Faculty of Pre-University Education
KazNU is perfect for me in everything! The stunning internal design of the university. It is very pleasant to be inthe walls of such a university. The campus is equipped with all amenities, fountains, alley for students and with beautiful nature. All cultural events are superb. KazNU – is my best choice!
Zhang, China, Faculty of Philology and World Languages.
| am proud of my experienced teachers and good friends, thanks to them | learned Russian and began to understand Kazakh. He also deepened knowledge and understanding of the Kazakh people and culture. | think that the university provides not only basic knowledge, but the most important thing is to open all the possibilities for students so that they realize their dreams and desires. In this regard, my native university of KazNU helped me a lot, | am sure that all graduates of KazNU in their fields will do what isimportant fortheir country and their people.